Dec 17, 2008

Ice Melting and Christmas Holiday

Next week is school holiday and probably for 2 weeks. The university will be locked and I will remote the computer from my home. It is long holiday, crap, everyone will celebrate the Christmas and for me, still need to do my research :(....... Then, something is just pop up in my head, plan your holiday man. 

Now, I am trying to plan the 'best' holiday for this year. 1st: attending the RIS conference at Toronto, 2nd: stay at home, doing the research :(, 3rd:shopping, 4th:skiing. So, tgklah nanti,mungkin hanya yg 2nd,3rd and 4th je kot. Sebab, for the RIS, you need to pay for $50 for the fee, kalo ada duit lebih, insyaAllah. 

So, what is the point of ice melting and christmas holiday? Dont know,  two different things lah. 

This is the story about ice melting. Kat sini kalo kita tinggal mcm rumah sebuah2 (i dont know what do you called it) kena shovel the snow yg kat walkway. Sebab kalo org terjatuh disebabkan snow kat depan rumahtu, tuan rumah boleh kena denda. Tapi aku takde pengalamanlah sebab duduk kat apartment. Tapi kadang2 aku nampak lah auntie tu pagi2 susah payah shovel, lepas tu tabur garam kat walkway tu. Aku rasa garam tu nak cairkan ice kot. Cari kat google dan akhirnya aku dpt link ttg garam rendahkan tahap beku air.  Teringat pulak dulu belaja kimia, sebatian (molekulA+molekulB) lagi rendah/tinggi tahap didih.